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HGISLEC750C98N00001 Red blue green integrating sphere uniform composite light source

Product features

This product can provide white composite uniform light source and red, green and blue three monochrome uniform light source, simulate starlight moonlight and other weak light environment, used for testing device performance in different weak light environment, light transmittance, reflectance, etc., to achieve the role of uniform light source. It can be used for calibration of CCD detector and other photoelectric devices, performance parameter test under weak light environment, and other sample transmittance, reflectance test, etc. Experiments and applications requiring uniform light sources. Bus design, the whole machine packaging delivery, no installation, with fixed protective socket, users only need to connect a power cord and a USB cable to work. Fully embodies the customer application as the core of the enterprise service concept.


积分球内径 750mm,出光口 150mm,外壁喷塑黑色或蓝色可选,内壁喷涂高反射率涂层,出光口均匀性 ≥98%。可任意增加备用入光口和出光口或其他探测口
支架碳钢整体焊接支架,黑色喷塑,积分球上下可调 50mm,可任意增加积分球高度
复合光源50W卤钨灯,色温 2856K,波长 300--2500nm,标配精密电控光阑,可手动也可计算机 RS232串口通讯实现积分球出光口 0-100LUX光强调整。可任意增加或更换光源功率和数量
单色 LED光源红蓝绿三色可单独点亮,也可以同时点亮,红色功率 3.7W,波长620-630nm;蓝色功率 3.7W,波长 460-470nm,绿色功率 3.5W,波长 520-530nm;可调范围 0-100LUX;可手动也可以通过 RS232通讯串口远程调控亮度,且有亮度记忆功能;可任意更换或增加光源数量和颜色种类
多功能光度计(选配)测量范围: 0.1lx-200000lx;( 2)分辨率: 0.1lx;( 3) V(λ)失配误差:f1'≤5%; 4)余弦修正特性: f2'≤2%;( 5)照度精度: ±4%( accordingto JJG245-2005);( 6)光照度标定精度: ±3%;( 7)换档误差:±1%;( 8)疲劳误差:<0.5%;( 9)程控单点采样时间: 100ms;( 10)测量方式:直读 /程控测量;( 11)液晶触摸屏显示与控制;( 12)供电接口: DC5V1A电源适配器或 USB选配
微光照度计(选配)照度范围 10-7--103lux选配




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